
« Pi(e) Day 2016 »

I won my invitation to Pi(e) Day 2016 in a fundraising raffle for a Syrian refugee family. Truly a win-win! A group of friends, who self-identify as the Asian Food Mob, have been holding Pie Day for several years, traditionally on Pi Day (March 14 or 3.14). I'd observed the Asian Food Mob (#AFoodMob) in action on previous Pie Days via social media, so I thought I knew what I was in for. Well, the reality eclipsed the expectation! These ladies (and a few gents) are seriously committed foodies, with strong design and organizational skills, and a wonderful aesthetic. I'd like to say I fit right in - well, except for the not being Asian part!

Staging and photography are an important part of Pie Day, and everyone gets in on the action!

View my Steller story for a "taste" of the day.

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