« Addicted, but it could be worse: A World Photo Day post »

Today is World Photo Day and I'm feeling a strong, physical pull to pick up my camera. In fact, I have just figured out what this general malaise is that I've been feeling for some time now. It's withdrawal symptoms. My camera and I have been apart for too long. I mean in any meaningful way. Sure, I've shot a few snaps, but 'she' and I haven't really communed lately and I miss it in my soul. This comes as a bit of a surprise to me. I knew I 'like' photography, even 'love' photography. But I didn't quite realize that I 'need' photography. Like air, food and water. I'm addicted.
So, if you're looking for me today, try again later. My camera and I have a date. My twelve step program is to walk the twelve steps out my front door, camera in hand!

I found myself visiting some of my favourite trees today, all in Pelham. The Comfort Maple, of course. A tree on Farr Road, and two trees on Tice. You've seen all these trees before in different seasons, but here are a few from today.
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