"We stand up."

Further to my "Choose kindness" post of yesterday, here are a number of hopeful, helpful and challenging posts that buoyed my spirit today.
All photos: (c) Elena Galey-Pride
Further to my "Choose kindness" post of yesterday, here are a number of hopeful, helpful and challenging posts that buoyed my spirit today.
I know that last Friday (Nov. 4) was officially "Random Acts of Kindness" Day where I live, but somehow, when I awoke with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach today, I knew that it is on this day, and the immediate days ahead, that showing kindness in unexpected ways to unknown people will mean more than ever before.
There is a quiet light that shines in every heart. It draws no attention to itself though it is always secretly there. It is what illuminates our minds to see beauty, our desire to seek possibility and our hearts to love life.
Professing to be "world-class" is one of the surest signs that you are not. Is it only me who gets their hackles up every time a business, an institution or even a region, declares that they are "world-class"? There is always more than just a whiff of desperation associated with this claim, in my book.
Today is World Photo Day and I'm feeling a strong, physical pull to pick up my camera. In fact, I have just figured out what this general malaise is that I've been feeling for some time now. It's withdrawal symptoms. My camera and I have been apart for too long. I mean in any meaningful way. Sure, I've shot a few snaps, but 'she' and I haven't really communed lately and I miss it in my soul. This comes as a bit of a surprise to me. I knew I 'like' photography, even 'love' photography. But I didn't quite realize that I 'need' photography. Like air, food and water. I'm addicted.
So, if you're looking for me today, try again later. My camera and I have a date. My twelve step program is to walk the twelve steps out my front door, camera in hand!
I found myself visiting some of my favourite trees today, all in Pelham. The Comfort Maple, of course. A tree on Farr Road, and two trees on Tice. You've seen all these trees before in different seasons, but here are a few from today.
I would appreciate your feedback on any of my blog posts. You can comment on an individual post if you'd like to share your thoughts with my other readers, or click on the vertical grey bar to send me a voicemail message (at the right margin of this page.) Thanks!"